A Great Place To Work

A Great Place To Work

Hitron values the environment of workplace and development of employees, and also engages in upholding workers’ rights and respecting internationally proclaimed human rights. We provide a safe and comfortable place to work and adopt the policy in accordance with average salary in market. Besides, employees can develop their career through training courses and transparent way of promotion.

Human Resources Structure

Hitron’s employees are across from different nationalities, including Taiwan, China, Netherlands, Denver. We believe that the diversity of employees can spark the creativity. Therefore, the company forbids any form of discrimination for age, race, skin color, gender and religion.

Education And Training

We support all our employees who wish to develop their careers, encouraging them to participate in and progress through training courses ranging from core skills, management, R&D to marketing. We also hold wellness workshops to raise awareness of health issues and encourage employees to adopt healthy life styles so they can achieve work-life balance.

Total hours of internal training1971.5 1767.5 21792954
Staff of internal training 7337536181410115916421905
Total hours of external training 719640572.5489.5442226.5 249
Staff of external training 61525641371428

Remuneration and Benefit

Highly competitive compensation packages
Annual performance bonus available.
Additional incentives are provided to those employees who develop patents.