

Hitron regularly reports communication status to stakeholders in board of directors report. The latest board of directors report time is January 26, 2021.

  1. To protect the rights and interests of stakeholders, Hitron set up stakeholders area in website and understand stakeholders’ expectations and needs and discuss important issues through appropriate communication methods.
  2. Hitron’s stakeholders include shareholders/ investors, customers, suppliers, employees, and communities.
  3. Communication method: set up important topics and communication channels according to the expectations and needs of different stakeholders. The frequency of communication is implemented regularly or irregularly according to the communication channels.

Investor Relations & Media Contact

David Chou
Spokesperson & President, Sales and Operation

Clients Contact
Aresa Chen
Senior Manager

Supplier Contact
David Chou
SCM Director

Employees Contact

CSR Mailbox
For corporate social responsibility issues such as environment and society, please contact Hitron from below mailbox.

Whistleblower Channel
Please let us know if you find that an employee or any related person on behalf of Hitron Technology conducts suspicious behavior or may violate Hitron’s Code of Ethics. Your report will be handled directly by Hitron’s senior executive.
Contact information to report fraud and violation of ethics


Stakeholders Topic Issues of concern Communication methods Communication frequency Hitron’s response
Shareholders/ Investors Future development and sustainability Business strategy and financial goals
Financial status and operating performance
Shareholders’ meeting
Financial reports
Yearly reports
Once per year – Medium and long-term development direction and corresponding financial goals
– Analysis of financial differences in each period
Employees Physical and mental health of employees
Safe and comfortable working environment
Career development and training
Occupational safety and health
Talent retention
Human rights and welfare
e-mail Irregular – Diversified learning courses, open and transparent promotion channels
– Focus on employees’ balanced development of mind and body.
Employees Opinion discussion
Labor rights
Human Rights and Welfare e-mail / regular meeting Irregular/
Once per year/quarter/year
– Organize labor-management meetings every quarter to share company operating information and discuss employees’ proposals.
– Set up various monthly/quarterly/annual business communication meetings between supervisors and colleagues at all levels.
Clients Customer satisfaction survey Quality control
Integrity management
e-mail/ questionnaire Once per year Adjusted Hitron’s actions based on customer feedback. The questionnaire statistics for the past three years are all good scores.
Suppliers Environmental pollution prevention
Sustainable supply management
Code of conduct and compliance e-mail/ phone Irregular/
Once per month
In combination with quality control policy, Hitron selects suppliers and materials meeting the quality specifications to ensure that the supply chain and product components meet international environmental sustainability requirements.
Communities Social participation Charity care
Environmental sustainability
Charity event/ Regular donations 1-2 times per year – Regular donation to Hsinchu Renai Children’s Home.
– Organize beach cleaning activities, advocate the concept of caring for the homeland, and educate the next generation on the importance of environmental sustainability.
– Organize blood donation activities twice a year to encourage employees to help the society frequently.


2024 Stakeholder Engagement Survey

Hitron Technologies Inc. publishes “Corporate Sustainability Report” covered Economic, Environment, and Social dimension and the achievement to the goals, to make stakeholders better understand the effort Hitron has made on sustainability development.

All comments from the stakeholders are highly concerned by the Company. Therefore, we sincerely invite you to fill 2024 Stakeholder Engagement Survey. Thanks for your great assistance!

【2024 Stakeholder Engagement Survey】

Kindly contact us if any questions. E-mail: