Product Security Policy

Hitron Europe

1. Hitron Product Security Policy

Welcome to the Hitron Product Security Center! Here, you can find essential information about the Security of our products and understand how we are dedicated to providing you with a secure and reliable product experience.

Product Security Standards

At Hitron, we strictly adhere to global security standards to ensure that every product is a trusted companion for you. From the early design stages to the production process, each step is carefully considered to ensure compliance with international security certifications.

Frequently Asked Questions Quick Guide
  • How should I maintain my Hitron product to ensure optimal security performance? Regularly inspect your product and perform cleaning and maintenance according to our user guide.
  • What should I do if I discover potential security issues with the product? Please contact us immediately through our email, and we will promptly address your report.
  • How can I inquire about security updates for Hitron products? You can find the latest Security information at bottom of this page to ensure your product remains in the best condition.

Thank you for choosing Hitron; we look forward to continuing to provide you with safe and reliable products and services.


2. How to Report Security Vulnerabilities or Issues to Hitron

At Hitron, we prioritize the security experience of each user. If you encounter any potential security vulnerabilities or issues while using our products, we encourage you to report them to us immediately. Your active participation is a crucial element in helping us enhance product security.

Reporting Steps:

  1. Identify the issue: Please provide a detailed description of the security problem or vulnerability you have identified, including the product model where the issue occurred and specific circumstances.
  2. Collect information: If possible, please provide steps to reproduce the issue, the scope of its impact, and any relevant screenshots or logs.
  3. Submit the report: Please send an email to to report the issue to our product security team.


3. Hitron Security Issue Handling Procedure

Upon receiving your report regarding security vulnerabilities or issues, our professional team initiates the following processing procedure:

  1. Preliminary Assessment: Our team of security experts will conduct preliminary assessment of the report to determine its validity and severity.
  2. Issue Investigation: If the report is confirmed as valid, we conduct an in-depth investigation to understand the specific causes and scope of the problem.
  3. Solution Development: Based on the investigation results, our engineering team develops appropriate solutions, such as software updates or security patches to address identified vulnerabilities.
  4. Testing and Verification: Before implementing any corrective measures, we conduct rigorous testing to ensure the effectiveness of the solution and prevent the introduction of new issues.
  5. Implementation and Notification: Once the solution is ready, we implement it through the appropriate channels and notify relevant users with detailed information about the updates.


4. Our Commitment to Response

We commit to providing a response within 3 working days of receiving your information. Thank you for contributing to the enhancement of Hitron product security.

Maintaining Transparency and Communication

Throughout the entire processing, we are dedicated to maintaining transparency and communication with the reporter. We provide regular progress updates and release result reports to relevant stakeholders after resolving the issue.

Your Participation is Crucial

We appreciate your active participation; your reports directly contribute to improving the security of our products and safeguarding the interests of all Hitron users.


5. Privacy and Confidentiality

At Hitron, we highly value the privacy and confidentiality of your information. When you report security vulnerabilities or issues to us, we commit to handling your personal information with the utmost standards.

  1. Privacy Protection: We assure strict protection of the reporter’s personal information when processing security issue reports. Unless we obtain your explicit consent, we will not disclose your identity or contact information to third parties.  *For more information about Hitron’s privacy policy and how we safeguard your personal data, please refer to our Hitron Privacy Policy.
  2. Information Confidentiality: Concerning the security issues you report, we maintain strict confidentiality until the resolution of the problem. This measure is taken to prevent the spread of potential security threats.
  3. Data Security: We employ advanced technologies and procedures to protect collected data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Your Trust, Our Responsibility

We understand that your trust in us is built upon respect and protection of your privacy. We pledge relentless efforts to ensure the security of your information and appreciate your contribution to enhancing the security of Hitron products.


6. Legal Disclaimer

Thank you for choosing Hitron and assisting us in ensuring the security of our products. We want to explicitly assure you that, regarding the security vulnerabilities or issues you report to us, you will not face any legal repercussions.

  1.  Protection of Reporters: When you responsibly and lawfully report security issues, we commit not to take any legal action against you. We respect and protect the rights of contributors.
  2.  Legitimate Reporting: We encourage you to discover and report security vulnerabilities within legal boundaries and in adherence to appropriate ethical standards.
  3.  Compliance: Hitron insists on compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, expecting reporters to similarly abide by relevant legal requirements.
  4.  Confidentiality Agreement: For specific security issues, we may request reporters to sign a confidentiality agreement to protect the non-disclosure of technical details until the problem is adequately resolved.

Our Commitment

At Hitron, we are dedicated to maintaining high standards of product security and appreciate your active participation and support. We commit to handling your reports with the utmost respect and diligence.

Hitron Product Update Announcements

Here, you can find detailed information about the latest software updates, security patches, and feature improvements for our products. Regularly check this page for the most up-to-date product update information, ensuring your Hitron products always operate in the safest and most stable conditions.


7. Contacting Us

If you have any questions regarding the security of Hitron products or wish to report security vulnerabilities, we encourage you to contact us via email
Your feedback is highly valuable to us, and we pledge to treat each report and inquiry seriously.


8. Hitron Product Security Update Assurance

To ensure continuous security protection for our users, Hitron commits to providing long-term security update support for our products. The following are our assurances regarding product security updates:

  1. Long-term Support: From the initial product release date, each product is guaranteed to receive security update support for at least the following durations. During this period, we will regularly review and address any issues that may affect product security.
  • Cable Modem / Gateway: 3 years
  1. Update Frequency: Hitron will periodically release security updates based on the specific needs of the product and changes in the security environment. Significant security threats will be prioritized.
  2. Update Notifications: When new security updates are available, we will notify our users through appropriate channels such as the product interface, email, or our official website.
  3. If the support period will be extended, the new defined support period will be published as soon as is practicable.
  4. The defined support period will not shorten after the publication.
  5. For product-specific security update dates, please refer to the following: Hitron Product Security Update Dates:

Continued Commitment to Your Security

At Hitron, we are dedicated to providing you with secure and reliable products. We understand the importance of security updates and commit to ongoing investment of resources to ensure the security of our products.

 Hitron Product Security Update Dates:

Cable Modem/Gateway:

Product Guaranteed updated until: (DD/MM/YYYY)
CHITA 31/12/2026


9. UK Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI)

The UK’s consumer connectable product security regime came into effect on 29 April 2024. Businesses in the supply chains of these products now need to be compliant with the legislation.

Learn more about PSTI: If you have any questions regarding the security of Hitron products or wish to report security vulnerabilities, we encourage you to contact us via email .